Index » PageStream Support » Amiga » PageStream v5.1.2 - for MorphOS - Notes for new users
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2022-09-12 22:17:29 CT #1
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

The MorphOS version of PageStream seems to be well received, and for any new users to using MorphOS - welcome to here, and I personally hope you all get great satisfaction from being able to use this latest great addition to our application software base, thanks to Deron Kazmaier (program author for approx 33 years - YES that long), Frank Mariak (one of the MorphOS Development Team founders, and MUI GURU - well he is IMHO Very Happy ) and Christoph Poelzl ( & his son Very Happy ) for his/their efforts in assisting Frank in making the program what it has become for MorphOS users so far. Probably there's even more to come in the future. Let's hope so! Smile

However, there is an option in MUI that all MorphOS users should avoid (until it gets resolved), that is DO NOT enable the MUI > Menus > Enable Embedded Menu Bar in PageStream options of MUI as this will cause a FREEZE when using the PageStream Menu > Layout > Create Text Frames, as once you click OK for your chosen options in that dialogue requester your whole system will FREEZE, and whatever you have done, but not saved immediately prior to that moment/action will be lost in the system FREEZE. Crying (very sad) Surprisedpps:

This information has been added to the website thread for this new version of PageStream - direct link -

You now know what to avoid! Laughing out loud but there's so much more to enjoy! Cool

2022-09-13 19:35:50 CT #2
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

[UPDATE] - it may not just be the MUI > Menus > Enable Embedded Menu Bar option that is causing this "FREEZE" to occur, as another MorphOS user reported that they did not have the MUI - Enable Embedded Menu Bar option active, but they still encountered "freezes", but I believe this information has been passed on to the developers, so we will have to wait and see what their findings are. Wink

I have found it to be fairly stable since I isolated the "FREEZES" that I reported above, but if there is one instability then there may well be more, so it would be wise to save anything you are working on as regularly as you can to avoid what you were doing to end up as data loss. Smile

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Index » PageStream Support » Amiga » PageStream v5.1.2 - for MorphOS - Notes for new users

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